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Connecticut Guard members vaccinate nursing home residents
April 19, 2021
Spc. Andres Salgado, 142nd Medical Company combat medic, vaccinates Marilyn Degnan, a resident at the Mary Wade Home in New Haven, Connecticut, April 9, 2021. The Connecticut National Guard assisted the Connecticut Department of Public Health in providing COVID-19 vaccinations to nursing home residents and staff through “Operation Matchmaker.”

Connecticut Air Guard maintainer graduates Ranger School
March 17, 2021
Senior Airman Jonathan Petersen, 103rd Maintenance Squadron electrical and environmental systems specialist, in front of a C-130H Hercules at Bradley Air National Guard Base in East Granby, Connecticut, March 16, 2021. Petersen attended U.S. Army Ranger School through the Air National Guard’s Enlisted Development Opportunities program, and was the only Air National Guardsman in his graduating class, which completed Feb. 5.

Connecticut, New York Guard partner for COVID-19 testing
June 24, 2020
Analytical Laboratory System vehicles from the Connecticut National Guard 14th Civil Support Team and New York National Guard 24th Civil Support Team are parked at Bradley Air National Guard Base, East Granby, Connecticut, June 19, 2020. The civil support teams worked in partnership with the 103rd Medical Group and Connecticut Department of Public Health to provide COVID-19 testing to Connecticut Air National Guard personnel. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Steven Tucker)

Connecticut National Guard strengthens alliance with Uruguay
July 9, 2019
Uruguayan Army Colonel Dyver M. Neme, Communications Brigade One Commander (left), discusses the Uruguayan Army's communications capabilities with Lt. Col. Guy Marino, 103rd Air Control Squadron (center) and Maj. David Ferrer, Connecticut State Partnership Program Director (right) in Montevideo, Uruguay, June 27, 2019. One of the main purposes of this State Partnership Program visit for the Connecticut National Guard to assess Uruguay's joint military operability. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Capt. Jen Pierce)

CTNG unveils Sgt. Stubby display in the new 1636 room
November 1, 2010
Sgt. Stubby display unveiled in the NGB’s new 1636 room


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Please direct all media inquiries regarding the Connecticut Army & Air National Guard and the State Military Department to the CTNG Public Affairs Office.

MAJ Michael Wilcoxson
State Public Affairs Officer
Office: (860) 524-4857
Cell: (860) 885-5336

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