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Electric Boat Joins Army's PaYS Employment Program
October 14, 2022
Two men sign a document

Breaking the stigma of seeking help
September 29, 2022
Breaking the stigma of seeking help

Soldier gains citizenship and finds purpose helping others in the Army National Guard.
September 19, 2022
Soldier gains citizenship and finds purpose helping others in the Army National Guard

22 Years of Continued Partnership - Connecticut Guard Command Team Builds Bonds in Uruguay
September 1, 2022
22 Years of Continued Partnership - Connecticut Guard Command Team Builds Bonds in Uruguay

Connecticut’s New Selective Service State Director Swears In, but What Is Selective Service?
August 25, 2022
Man swears into office with his right hand raised


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Please direct all media inquiries regarding the Connecticut Army & Air National Guard and the State Military Department to the CTNG Public Affairs Office.

MAJ Michael Wilcoxson
State Public Affairs Officer
Office: (860) 524-4857
Cell: (860) 885-5336

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